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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Five Signs Your Ex wants you back

Sometimes break-ups could be impromptu moves in the sense that it was had to see it coming or as a result of rashly taken decisions.
Some still could be as a result of a break of trust by one partner in a relationship.
While some could be comparison usually this begets so much regrets.
In the advent of any of these there is usually a move to get back who was lost.
Maybe you are in a fix as to whether your ex really wants you back, these signs would be of great help to you.

1. He/She Always wants to know.
  When your ex begins to ask pressing questions like he/she wants go get information out of you or he/she wants to know every bit of info of happenings in your life, then be sure your ex wants you back. But do not mistake care for wanting you back but then when it becomes excessive know fully well that it is far beyond just caring.

2. Apologetic Messages & Statuses.

  I did this when I was in ss 2, when my friends told me I shouldn't have called it quit with the lady I was doing, then 2go was trending. I would change my status at every given instance of time and they were always apologetic statuses. Although my messages to her weren't all that apologetic, it showed how sorry I was and how I deeply regretted my actions. We got back though but it wasn't for too long cause i messed up again(story for another day).
When you realise your ex is sending you messages which shows he/she is sorry and regrets his/her actions be rest assured you are wanted.

3. When Discussions Are Centered On Relationships.

I tried this also but it didn't work, I guess the girl wasn't as wooable(permit me to use that word) as I supposed.
If your discussions with your ex always revolve around relationships be sure he/she wants you back. Usually your ex brings up the discussions but even when you do he/she would quickly subscribe to it.

4. When Calls and Text Messages becomes frequent.

This point is self explanatory if you'd ask me. Only someone who still has affection for you would always contact you frequently via calls and messages. Read my lips I said "FREQUENTLY".
Most times the calls seem never to end and relatively nothing worthwhile is spoken about. There would be moments of silence as there'd be nothing to say at intervals. The texts would always carry apologetic and love contents.

5. Attitude Towards You.

After breaking-up, what used to be a sweet relationship becomes a bittersweet tale. An ex that wants you back would show noticeable traces of a shift from the bittersweet relationship that ensued after break-up back to the once sweet-lovely relationship.

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